Tuesday 19 May 2015

Blackberry Wine - Twelfth Bottle (A1), 9th May 2015

I cooked Greek Baked Lamb for six today and decided that of the wines I have brought to Suffolk, blackberry would go best. It was a tasty bottle and was very quickly followed by something red made from grapes. We it took it rather easier on the wine than last night, where we ended up drinking seven bottles between us. This led to a day-long hangover, and walking twelve miles through Suffolk countryside with a life-threatening headache is not the greatest of experiences. I appear to have survived.

Recipe for Greek Baked Lamb (for six)

2 lbs lamb
1 lb tomatoes - a few more possibly
1/2 lb feta cheese
olive oil
salt and pepper

Spread the lamb in a shallow baking dish.
Chop the feta into thin slices and place over lamb
Chop the tomatoes into thin slices and place over feta
Sprinkle on the salt and pepper liberally
Pour over a good quantity of olive oil
Bake in an oven at gas mark 4 for one and a half hours.
Serve with rice. - Very easy and delicious.

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