Wednesday 1 April 2015

Crab Apple Wine - Twelfth Bottle (C4), 27th-29th March 2015

I am struggling to remember what we did on Friday night when this bottle was opened. All I can really recall is that I had a good day at work (3 completions, plus an exchange on land we are buying in Pudsey), walked home, finished the redcurrant and made significant inroads into this bottle. I can't even remember what we ate. And it was only 48 hours ago. Anyway, we finished the bottle tonight to a SNAPE* - this time Nigel Slater's grilled lemon, chilli and mint chicken, which was surprisingly easy and unstressful. I made a particularly good ratitouille to go with it, and Claire assembled the cous-cous.

Earlier in the day I went to a concert given by Leeds Haydn Players, where Hummel's Bassoon Concerto was the highlight. Rather than this being inspiring, it makes me wonder whether I should give up.

* Something New And Possibly Exciting

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