Sunday 8 March 2015

Orange Wine 2015 - The Making Of ...

It is St David's Day, and Radio 3 has mostly been playing things with Bryn Terfel singing. I know this because I have been spending a great deal of time in the kitchen getting sticky.

As with many previous years, the beginning of March coincides with Orange Wine. This year, though, I bought my oranges on the last day of February. Irritatingly, Noshis were selling them at their most expensive - five for a pound. I had hoped for six. This means that I have spent 80p more in getting 24 oranges than I had wanted, and that works out at nearly seven pence a bottle. All I can say is that I hope this orange wine is particularly good.

I was quite proud of this pyramid, but Aggie was disdainful
I started this wine mid-afternoon on 1st March by thinly peeling 12 of the oranges while listening to a Dum-Tee-Dum podcast. It is a dull job, and having something entertaining in the background helps. This year I have been almost entirely successful in avoiding the pith. The peel is in a bowl covered in two pints of boiling water and clingfilm.

Between my eighth and ninth oranges, Anne Hignell dropped in and we had a very pleasant hour and a half catching up with her and getting news of the extended family. I then squeezed all oranges, getting about 3½ pints of juice. This went into the bucket, along with 5½ lbs sugar, 9 pints of cold water, the yeast and a teaspoon each of pectolase and nutrient. The next day, after work, I poured in the water that had been covering the peel and threw the peel away.

Orange peel in water, after 24 hours

Friday would have been the ideal time to put this in its demijohns, but I wouldn't have had time because I was walking home from work and it was Book Group. So I did this on Thursday 5th March. It was quick work, taking about 15 minutes. I could have put in an extra half pint of water and will top up the demijohns when the fermentation has slowed. In the meantime, they are a violent yellow.

If you want a recipe, set out in a more organised fashion than my witterings above, click here

If you want to see how this wine turned out, click here.

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