Thursday 29 January 2015

Prune & Parsnip Wine - Tenth Bottle, 24th-25th January 2015

Claire suggested I make a SNAPE* on Saturday and, as it has been some time since I last did one, I agreed. Generally I spend tens of minutes reading through several recipe books. This time I pulled out Delia's Complete Cookery Course and the page virtually fell open at a pork & apple casserole, so that was decided upon. This meant I spent much of Saturday cooking and managed to do this without feeling flustered.

Our wine to accompany was Prune & Parsnip, and it was a good choice. The sweetness and body complemented the creamy apple and onion gravy. We didn't finish the bottle, though, which was partly down to sharing the cider that did not make it into the casserole. This task was saved for Sunday, when my parents were here after an ASO** concert. They each had a sherry-glass full, which was appropriate on the basis of its sherry flavour.

*Something new and possibly exciting

** Airedale Symphony Orchestra

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