Friday 2 January 2015

Christmas Tutti Fruti - Final Bottle (B1), 25th December 2014

It was a lovely Christmas this year, despite the beginnings of a cold. Part of the morning was spent at St Mary's Lighthouse, north of Whitley Bay. The sun was low, giving the rocks and cliffs a golden hue. Suitably for the day, we saw three ships. Claire had a happy time looking for shells amongst the rock pools whilst Sooz and I reflected on the year just gone and projected on the year to come.

I opened this bottle shortly before six at the same time as I opened the first of Christmas Tutti Fruti 2013. The general opinion was that this one was the inferior. Certainly they were very different in flavour and depth. Andrew said that this one had its taste frequency at both ends of the spectrum but with little in the middle. It is an odd concept - taste on a Normal Distribution curve - but I think I can see what he is getting at. Anyway, Merry Christmas!

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