Tuesday 15 July 2014

Orange Wine - Fifth Bottle (A4), 10th-12th July 2014

I only had one glass from this bottle, but on the strength of that I think this is one of the best orange wines that I have made. It is less brutal in its citric flavour than some batches have been.

I grabbed the glass with relief on return from my concert at a beer festival with The Yorkshire Icon Orchestra. There was a fair sized audience (including a colleague that lives nearby who I had purposively not informed about this) and I am pleased that they all had plenty of beer.

Audience gathering at Pontefract Castle

The bottle was finished by Claire on Saturday while I was at the Pontefract Proms concert with WYSO. This was a much happier experience and we had an audience of 1,300. I had a microphone dangling down the funnel of my bassoon, which meant my wrong notes were heard by over a thousand.

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