Sunday 6 July 2014

Crab Apple Wine - First Bottle (A4), 2nd-3rd July 2014

This bottle was a Tale of Two Orchestras. Wednesday night was WYSO and for the first time this term I came away thinking that we were playing well. Which is a Good Thing. Our concert is in just over a week at Pontefract Castle.

Thursday, I came home from the Yorkshire Icon Orchestra in desperate need for alcohol of any description. It was diabolical. Tuning, speed, tone, everything. All awful. And I have said 'yes' to two concerts with them over the next 21 days.

Happily the Crab Apple wine was a reliable as ever - a full bodied, sharp white with a distinct apple taste. It is my House White.

The Pontefract Castle Concert - come along!
If you want to see how this flavour was made, click here

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