Sunday 15 June 2014

Celery Wine - Fourth Bottle (4), 8th June 2014

It has been an odd weekend, starting on Friday with Julia's funeral; a colourful, emotional affair complete with brightly decoraterd cardboard coffin and Faure's Requiem. Then today I heard my mother give a sermon at York Unitarian Chapel about choice, temperance and creativity. She illustrated this with reading from my book and afterwards there was wine tasting in the vestry (or the Unitarian equivalent). One of my two wines was Celery - it was an example of creativity gone wrong and an opportunity to get rid of a bottle. However, I actually thought this Quite Good and several people said they preferred it to the blackberry, with its sweeter, sharper taste. As I say, it has been an odd weekend.

In the Unitarian Vestry

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