Monday 12 May 2014

Gooseberry & Elderflower Wine - Fifth Bottle (A2), 7th May 2014

I brought this bottle to Millbeck as my Comedy Bottle. Irritatingly, it was merely okay. Nick said it was not Absolutely Awful, and spoke of it being too large for a white. There is a musty aftertaste, but it is not as pronounced as I had remembered. And when I added cassis, it was definitely drinkable. 'Drinkable' here does not translate as 'Nice'.

The day has been typical for the Lake District in one respect - it has tipped it down constantly. Mostly I have spent it indoors - most entertainingly in the Puzzle Museum in Keswick, which had optical illusions aplenty - some of which made me laugh with delight. Thoroughly recommended.

One of the Puzzle Museum's illusions

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