Thursday 22 May 2014

Crab Apple Wine - Seventeenth Bottle (A5),11th May 2014

There is a lot to do when someone dies, and doing it helps with the grieving. While you are filling in Probate forms and discussing funeral arrangements, it is all to do with the person you are missing so, so much and therefore includes them in the process. Most importantly within these tasks, Claire and I netted Julia's redcurrants on her allotment. The person who takes over will benefit and I have hope that I might too. It felt like the right and proper thing to do. Claire donned a bee-keeper's uniform and told the bees on the allotment that Julia had died. This, apparently, is what one does.

I opened a bottle of crab apple on Sunday night and it was a good evening, if busy, with cooking, washing up and making Vanilla Wine.

And you may be relieved to hear that I should stop banging on quite so much about Julia over the next few posts. But it has been a traumatic experience which filled every thought.

Julia's redcurrants last year

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