Tuesday 11 March 2014

Rhubarb & Elderflower - Fifth Bottle (6), 1st-2nd March 2014

This bottle was waiting in the fridge for me after the Elmet Sinfonietta concert. I was definitely in need of it. On the whole the concert went well. However, the middle movement of the Stravinsky clung on by its fingertips. The bit I had been practising furiously, the bit I have worked on more than any other piece in recent memory, went wrong. I got lost and then just made it up. Happily, with atonal early twentieth-century music, you can do that and no-one in the audience noticed. The outer movements were much better and I think we pulled it off.

I opened the bottle as soon as I got home, before feeding the cats even, and drank not quite half. The special thing about this wine is its colour - a coppery pink. Tastewise it is good; dry and open. Suitable for a not-quite celebration.

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