Tuesday 25 March 2014

Prune & Parsnip Wine - Second Bottle (B5), 22nd March 2014

Prune & Parsnip is probably my most medieval of wines. This fits with tonight's meal, which according to the recipe book - Londoners' Larder - was authentically Chaucerian. Richard & Linda were here and Claire took the opportunity to experiment. We started with a pea and mint soup, and this was the most normal course by far. Next was a spinach and currant dish with pinenuts, accompanied by a fish, rice & almond blancmange - which was odd. The main course was an onion and dried fruit tart - and this verged on the 'pudding' scale. The pudding itself was an apple omlette, and this was close to savoury. It was an interesting meal. Prune & Parsnip went well as it is neither savoury nor sweet and I can imagine peasants trying to make do without grapes to create a suitably tasty wine.

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