Sunday 23 February 2014

Rhubarb Wine - Ninth Bottle (B5), 16th February 2014

Today has been the first day this year where I have believed that Spring may eventually come. Being outside, digging on Julia's allotment, has contributed to this feeling. The rhubarb is poking through in our garden, suggesting that more temperate weather is on its way. Claire and I were going to collect horse poo from the local stables to help the rhubarb along, but we spent too long on the allotment to put this plan into action.

Rhubarb wine seemed the natural choice for tonight, and it is a good bottle. There is something substantial to it and I can't describe it more accurately than that. It is a white wine with body and went well with homemade pizza. My favourite variety was the one with roquefort and artichoke hearts. Just lovely.

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