Thursday 9 January 2014

Pineapple Wine - First Bottle (2), 1st January 2014

Well, this is rather splendid. I was expecting the words 'cloying', 'oily' and 'saccharin' to figure. Instead what I got was something exotic, only medium sweet and pleasant. Starting with low expectations is the key to delight. I now regret not saving this for our trip to Newcastle this coming weekend.

It was the first bottle of the year and was in marked contrast to the weather, which was dark and depressing all day. Apart from a trip to Sainsburys to buy gin, we stayed inside and did New Years Day activities - jigsaws, books, making bread, curry and wine - that sort of thing. And now let 2014 commence in earnest.


If you want to see how I made this wine, click here

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