Tuesday 28 January 2014

Elderflower Wine - Sixth Bottle (B5), 25th January 2014

Saturday was going to action filled. Our original plan was to have a day out at Spurn Point with Rosie, but that was cancelled so Rosie could be with her immediate family. Then I thought I would spend time in town doing my Annual Clothes Shop. A fierce rain-storm in the early afternoon suggested this was unwise. Instead I spent much of the day watching series 2 of The Bridge, a satisfying and bloody Scandi Crime Drama.

In the evening, because it was Burns Night I had a dram of whisky - and because it was Saturday night, a bottle of elderflower wine. It is a good bottle, though maybe an acquired taste. It has a full, open flavour and went well with the pigeon pea casserole and saffron rice. The pigeon peas came from a tin labelled 'Best Before August 2007'. I take sell-by dates with a pinch of salt.

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