Wednesday 1 January 2014

Christmas Tutti Fruti - Final Bottle (A2), 25th December 2013

Keith and family are in York for Christmas, resulting in a chaotic, charming day. Unusually for Christmas at the Hardys there have been no tears or raised voices, and I may not wait a decade until I brave it again.

We had the full turkey works for Christmas dinner, allowing Claire to have her annual sprout and pull her 'This is nasty' face (which sometimes appears when drinking my wine).

This final bottle of Christmas Tutti Fruti was very much the same as its predecessors: fizzy, dry, not as interesting as I had once hoped. But seeing as it was Christmas Day, we had a tradition to keep up and therefore not only a duty to finish this bottle, but finish the first bottle of Christmas Tutti Fruti 2012. Oh, the hardship.

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