Thursday 19 September 2013

Christmas Tutti Fruti - Ninth Bottle (A3), 8th-9th September 2013

This bottle of Christmas Tutti Fruti was rather better than I had remembered this batch to be. It was not as thin and had a richer, fruitier flavour. Perhaps it was the food that brought this out. Claire cooked two fabulous curries, one involving slow cooked lamb and the other with chickpeas and butternut squash, and we ate them with homemade pilau rice. As an added bonus there is still plenty in our fridge as left overs.

Even though it was a Sunday night, where drinking at least a bottle is de rigeur these days, there was still at least a glass left for Monday night. This was Claire's treat as I was out at Airedale Orchestra, struggling with An American in Paris  and Korngold's violin concerto.

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