Sunday 1 September 2013

Blackberry Wine - Final Bottle (B6), 26th August 2013

I took this round to Lambert's for a bank holiday meal of Greek food and intense conversation. Unusually for a bank holiday the weather has been glorious all day and walking the two miles to and from Lambert's on a balmy late-summer night was pleasant. Although, the walk back was more of a stagger.

Lambert is an excellent cook. We started with several exciting salads and spreads, and I had to check that these were not the main course so that I could pace myself. These were followed by a cuttlefish stew, full of tentacles and spinach.

Lambert's mother rang mid-course and he left us to the food and wine while he had what sounded like a difficult conversation. But it was in Greek, so we couldn't eavesdrop even if we had wanted to. Instead we drank the blackberry, which was delicious, and, Best Beloved, tried to recall the Just So Stories.

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