Thursday 8 August 2013

Elderflower Wine - Third Bottle (A4), 1st August 2013

The Barn in which the Rydal Orchestra plays.
This was a Rydal bottle of wine. The holiday is approaching its end and possibly that is a Good Thing. I am having a marvellous time but it is exhausting playing five hours of classical music a day, eating three hearty meals, going for a walk (sometimes, though not today, involving a strenuous up) and being sociable all the time. Great for a week, but I couldn't keep it going much longer.

I shared this bottle of elderflower around, but was not quite so pushy with it as previous Rydal bottles. Everyone who tried it liked it, I think, though Matt suggested there was some bitterness to it, and Bob mentioned something about 'high harmonics' which I did not fully understand. But it is now past midnight and I must go to sleep.

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