Tuesday 20 August 2013

Dandelion Wine - Final Bottle (4), 11th-13th August 2013

I had expected marvellous things of this bottle, remembering that the last two had been superb. Instead, I got something that was on the good side of drinkable. There was the dandelion herby taste from earlier bottles, which is distinctive without being actively nice. I am pleased that I did not serve this wine at Book Group on Friday, and instead shared it only between Claire and me.

We drank the bottle to our first home grown tomato of the year, which was small and yellow. This is a small, yellow tomato more than we got last year, and I expect many more. Claire's plants are looking healthy and fecund, and we should be eating a tomato glut shortly after courgette week has passed.

Claire's tomato plants
With this post, my blog has come full circle. This batch of dandelion was the first wine that I made after starting the blog, and you can see how I made it by clicking here. If you want to see how each bottle turned out, just click on the label 'Dandelion' below. So, in the 2 years and 4 months that I have been writing this blog, I have provided recipes for fifty batches of wine and thirty separate flavours. There have been 440 posts, of which only a handful are neither about making wine or drinking bottles. Therefore, I reckon that about 370 posts relate to drinking a bottle of wine. As I say at the top of the blog, you may come to the conclusion that I am drinking too much! Cheers.

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