Monday 8 July 2013

Rhubarb Wine - Third Bottle (A3), 30th June 2013

Rhubarb was the natural choice tonight. We have spent the late afternoon and early evening at Amy and Darren's, installing their wedding present. This was a rhubarb cutting from Claire's grandmother's plant, in a large ceramic pot. Claire did the installing and I stood around in the kitchen drinking tea: a fair division of labour.

Amy had invited two other friends round - Rachel and Nick. Nick is also a homebrewer and brought along his elderflower cider. We each tried the other's and made (genuine) complimentary noises. Both drinks were delicious and it is a pity I was driving.

Between the six of us we ate vast quantities of cheese, potato and meat. Salad was there for decoration and we finished the evening with chocolate fudge cake and cream. I shan't be measuring my cholesterol any time soon.

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