Wednesday 26 June 2013

Guest Post on Lovely Greens

I was honoured a few weeks ago to be asked by Tanya, who runs Lovely Greens, to write a guest post for her blog. She is running a series of articles written by other people on the theme DIY Homesteading. They have all been fascinating, and varied. From building chicken coops and using chicken tractors to running off solar power in South Africa, stopping by handy hints for growing a garden economically, all have embraced the theme. I'm not certain that 'Ben's witterings on how he makes and drinks wine' compares. But Tanya says it does, so she is probably right.

Anyway, if you are stopping by from Lovely Greens, welcome. Feel free to leave any comments or questions you want (he said, with large puppy dog eyes expressing "Love me, love me")  and certainly have a browse. The way I imagine this blog can be useful is to choose one of the tags (in the right hand column) which contains a flavour of country wine, and click on it. You will then (probably - assuming you choose a flavour that I have both made and drunk since I started this blog in April 2011) get verbal snapshots of a year or two of my life - in reverse order - describing the bottles of that flavour and ending with how I made it. I try to be honest in my reviews of the taste, but you will see that mostly I treat the wine as a secondary aspect and talk about events, people and (very occasionally) ideas.

The other way that the blog is useful is to click on the tag saying 'making wine', as this will bring up all my recipes. Indeed, if you want to avoid the padding and get to the facts, that is probably what you should do (but you won't avoid the padding entirely).

If you are a regular reader of this blog, then I encourage you to stop by Lovely Greens. Tanya is a talented and enthusiastic blogger, who deals with all that is lovely and green. She is an ex-pat American, living on the Isle of Man (somewhere I must go one day - it looks beautiful) and her blog is simply a joy.

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