Friday 31 May 2013

Blackberry Wine - Fifteenth Bottle (C1), 27th May 2013

This was meant to be a bottle of elderberry, but I couldn't find one and we were in a hurry to leave the house. Our destination was a Bank Holiday Feast at Ros's. Having drunk too much on Sunday I was on driving duties. This was a shame because there was plenty of real wine on offer. Still, I consoled myself by eating vast quantities of lamb and roast vegetables. Pudding was plentiful, and the blackberry wine was opened for this course. We had meringues, a chocolate pot each, and bowls of stewed rhubarb and strained yoghurt. All combinations were tried, and the prize went to 'meringue and chocolate'. The wine was delicious, of course (what little I had) and it was a lovely way to end a relaxing long weekend.

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