Sunday 14 April 2013

Elderflower Wine - Ninth Bottle (A3), 11th-13th April 2013

Claire was unexpectedly in on Thursday night, her trios round at Julia's having been cancelled. Apparently Juia had spent the day clothes shopping (a most un-Julia-like activity) and consequently was exhausted. As there were two of us in the house to drink it, I opened a bottle of elderflower and settled down to watch Broadchurch - an English homage to The Killing with David Tennant and Olivia Coleman - whilst Claire played the viola. Not in the same room, of course. That would have been irritating.

Claire finished the bottle on Saturday while I was at Bradford Grammar School playing fourth bassoon with Leeds Sinfonia in Verdi's Requiem. I find it odd that Verdi required four bassoons. In a piece lasting well over an hour there are eight bars towards the end where all bassoons are doing something different and interesting. And that is it. I am sure Margaret Thatcher (who died this week) would have seen it as grossly inefficient use of resources and closed the piece down.

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