Saturday 30 March 2013

Orange Wine - Second Bottle (B4), 27th-29th March 2013

March seems to have been a very long month. This has partly manifested itself in the ongoing winter, but I am mostly thinking about the bottles of wine. By having a second bottle of orange I have repeated a flavour - and unless I have made a triple or quadruple batch, this is something I try to avoid.

Claire opened the bottle whilst I was at a WYSO committee meeting. We need more violins particularly, but any strings or brass would be welcome, and this was the basis of the discussion. Meanwhile, back at the ranch Claire was drinking half the bottle.

I had a third of the remainder on Friday, whilst Sooz was here, but before we started eating. The orange flavour is subtle - more than I would choose - and that might make it more palatable to third parties.

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