Friday 15 February 2013

Orange Wine - Final Bottle (A2), 10th-13th February 2013

It is a rare Sunday night that we allow a bottle to go unfinished, but that was this bottle's fate. Maybe we are getting old and sensible. It accompanied a rather splendid fish pie, which I cooked whilst Claire was out rehearsing Ludlow and Team, and orange wine always goes well with fish. Then the bottle sat in the fridge until Wednesday.

I was moderately surprised that Claire did not take the opportunity to finish the wine on Tuesday whilst I was out for a beer and curry night with Darren and Nigel. Instead we each had a glass the following evening on a day that was only made remarkable by a heavy snow fall. I am writing this on Thursday, and the snow has all gone, but it caused traffic chaos on Wednesday evening. It took my colleagues two to three hours to get home. It took me five minutes longer than usual. Walking has its benefits.

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