Sunday 3 February 2013

Celery Wine - First Bottle (1), 1st February 2013

I decided that February's Book Group would be the right opportunity for my first bottle of Celery Wine. Particularly as Claire was otherwise engaged and had bribed me with ginger shortbread to reduce our stocks in this flavour. I insisted that everyone have a small taste, and the reactions ranged from "I'll not have any more," to "Ooh, I quite like that". Helen even had a second glass, and at the end of the evening I left her with the half-bottle remaining.

It tasted like a spirit - strong, a little herby and with no distinct celery flavour. So, not the comedy nastiness for which I had hoped and feared in equal measure.

The book was A Month in the Country by J L Carr, which was delightful and universally enjoyed.


If you want to see how I made this wine - click here.  It is currently my sixth most viewed page.

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to following your celery wine recipe later this year Ben... I have completed my 2nd batch of mushroom wine, which I promised myself I would not repeat hahah but could not help myself. Like celery it has a surprisingly strong finish on the tongue. I would say it's akin to a mead that's not sweet, yet has interesting flavours as you use Demerara sugar mostly. Happy wine bubblings 👍😁
