Thursday 3 January 2013

Rhubarb Wine - Eighth Bottle (A3), 29th December 2012

Last night I played both Bridge and Monopoly for the first time in years. David, Amie, Zoe and Owen came over - they had double booked themselves for New Years Eve, and in fact had to shift someone else back to visit us. It is an intricate social life they lead.

So, having a family over, I brought out the board games and the rhubarb wine - an excellent combination. I had forgotten how riotous and long (in a good way) Monopoly can be. We started playing before pudding, and it was only when Claire noticed that it was past eleven and the sorbet had become a sticky pool of liquid that we declared the game a draw. It was a wonderful evening. I have not laughed so much for an age.

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