Saturday 29 December 2012

Christmas Tutti Fruti - First Bottle (B5), 25th December 2012

I am vaguely surprised that this bottle did not detonate on the Christmas morning journey up the A1 to Newcastle. It is remarkably fizzy. And being gently shaken for 120 minutes at seventy miles per hour is a recipe for explosion. Anyway, it survived until late afternoon, at which point Bob opened it with a 'pop' and served it to the assembled throng.

This batch is not as good as that made in 2010, but is still entirely drinkable. There is a 'light and refreshing' side to this wine, where no one fruit dominates. My critical faculties were becoming a little impaired at this point, so perhaps I was not the best judge. There was still another bottle to be drunk before we sat down to eat.

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