Monday 1 October 2012

Christmas Tutti Fruti - Ninth Bottle (B1), 28th September 2012

I have just Skyped. This is my first time ever and shows that I can do the twenty-first century if I really put my mind to it. I have bought a new laptop at great expense, having got entirely fed up with the 2005 model taking whole eras to boot up, freezing at inopportune moments and stuttering badly on i-player. This one has a built in webcam and microphone, and I have just talked to Paul and family in Canada. Science fiction suggested this in my childhood and now it is real life. Oh Brave New World.

It being a Friday night I am, of course, more than half a bottle down, and as usual, this Christmas Tutti Fruti is fabulous. Complex in taste and just the thing for new experiences.

Me and my new web cam

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