Sunday 9 September 2012

Strawberry Wine - Second Bottle (5), 7th September 2012

This bottle hardly touched the sides. Renate, Claire and I returned from the Friday evening rehearsal of Der Rosenkavalier, opened the strawberry wine and about 45 minutes later it had disappeared. It was late though, so I like to look on it as "Being efficient".

Northern Wagner Opera went so much better for me than it had on Sunday. I pretended to like the third bassoonist and it worked. Rather than spending the time in bitter resentment, I concentrated on the music.

Forgiveness is liberating - dammit. I had worked hard on maintaining that grudge and now it has gone. Which is annoying.

Incidentally, the strawberry wine was fabulous and Renate said she felt honoured. And of course, she was.

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