Tuesday 4 September 2012

Blackberry Wine - Second Bottle (A3), 2nd September 2012

On paper, today should have been excellent, and many parts of it were. It was this year's first rehearsal for the Northern Wagner Orchestra - where we are doing Der Rosenkavalier, and then we had pizza, Delia's citrus pudding and the first episode of a new season of Doctor Who. What could possibly go wrong? The third bassoonist. I find it impossible to forgive him. This is the man who sacked me from his bassoon group several years ago. But I can play the instrument. Really quite well. So once he turned up (several hours late) I became tense and unhappy and ignored him as best I could.

A bottle of blackberry wine has helped matters - it is rather better than the last - as has the citrus pudding, the pizza and Doctor Who. It is good to have him back.


  1. Hey! I had gone through your book and it was quite interesting. I would love to hear some more ideas and experience of your.

  2. Thanks Home Wine Making - Keep following the blog, and you should pick up some ideas. I will be making blackberry wine in a couple of weeks, and then elderberry wine shortly after that.

  3. Gosh, your remark about the bassoon group reminds me of what I think was the last time we met in the Old English Gentleman in Hull, quite some years ago now! It’s good to see you are still flourishing.

    David England

  4. Hello David! I had forgotten the name of the pub, but not the evenings. I am still in touch with John Ayre - we were in the same book group until he moved from Leeds to Loughborough, and I am Facebook Friends with Annabel. I was a rubbish bassoonist in Hull - but that was 19 years ago (eek!) and have improved massively since. Presumably you are still cello-ing? You should get involved with the Northern Wagner Orchestra. It is lots of fun, and only meets once a year (though over two weekends). It is a little short of cellos this year. Are you on Facebook? Ben

  5. I am indeed on Facebook. Feel free to send a friend request if you can find me - my ID on there is Churchillians. I couldn't find you, sorry!

    I'm not cello-ing at present. Singing has rather taken over since I left Hull.
