Saturday 11 August 2012

Gooseberry & Elderflower Wine - Third Bottle (3), 10th August 2012

I opened this bottle for Book Group in preference to the half bottle of tea wine left standing in the fridge for nearly a week. We were discussing The Help by Kathryn Stockett - a story of domestic racism in 1960s Mississippi. On the whole it was a 'Hit', with Claire and I being the most reserved. It is immensely readable, rattling on at a pace, but we both felt it was writing by numbers, clearly written for book groups to discuss with the rather simple message 'Prejudice is Bad'. It is not our generation's To Kill a Mockingbird despite the back cover blurb.

Book Group was a little down on numbers, but both Richard and Jenny had half a glass each of the wine and enjoyed it. Rachel stuck resolutely to the rosé. Her loss.

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