Wednesday 22 August 2012

Christmas Tutti Fruti - Eighth Bottle (B2), 19th-20th August 2012

We had roast duck on Sunday. This is my favourite meat; I love the rich, fatty flavour and its crispy skin is an unbeatable treat. It is not a cheap meal, however, and we will now spend our old age in penury. It was worth it, though. Plus we had Claire's fabulous roast potatoes - no-one does them better - and a red gooseberry and blackcurrant slump for pudding. Christmas Tutti Fruti was really the only bottle to choose for this feast but - nearly unheard of for a Sunday night - we did not quite finish it in one sitting. Instead we shared the last (large) glass on Monday whilst marking cuts in the sheet music for Der Rosenkavalier. This is Northern Wagner Orchestra's next project and it looks fiendishly difficult, even with several pages of music removed.

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