Monday 6 August 2012

Blackberry Wine - First Bottle (C4), 3rd August 2012

It has become traditional to open my first bottle of a blackberry vintage on the last night of Rydal. And what a riotous last night it turned out to be. The highlight was winning the team games with a choreographed rendition of 'Hey Barn Opener', sung to the tune of 'Hey Big Spender'. Julia can do 'sultry' which was unexpected. Of course I drank far more than was good for me, but that appears to be a tradition too. This bottle was one of the culprits. And it was fine without being spectacular. It is lighter than previous blackberries and fizzy too. I suspect it needs time to mature - time that it is unlikely to get.


  1. Thanks for sharing with us this beautiful and informative post. I always like blackberries wine and i must try this blackberry vintage soon..:)

  2. Thank you Wine Sales Direct. Whilst you are 'Spam', you are also 'Spam who has actually read the post and made a comment which is relevant' so your comment may stay.
