Sunday 22 July 2012

Crab Apple Wine - Sixth Bottle (C5), 17-18th July 2012

Wind Quintets were a feature of this bottle. On Tuesday night I was at Madeleine's quintetting, and then on Wednesday I was at Jude's rehearsing for Saturday's Hip-Hop/Classical mix concert. I returned home on Tuesday (which was actually a quartet as Katie was excused for having a heavy cold) to find my wife returned from Peterborough and a half-empty bottle of crab apple wine. The two events were not unrelated. Claire had experienced train frustration and felt she needed to make it better.

Visiting Peterborough had mostly been a success. Wicked Uncle Alasdair is ill but improving, and Uncle Bert is not as feeble as first imagined. But it is very nice to have her home - and she left me a large glass of wine on Wednesday, which was much appreciated.

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