Friday 6 July 2012

Crab Apple Wine - Fifth Bottle (B5), 30th June 2012

Apple Champagne. It is really rather delicious. The wine is a golden hue and it fizzes enthusiastically on pouring. Hence there was no effort involved in finishing the bottle on a lazy Saturday night.

We had spent some of the day at Thwaites Mills, invited by Julia, where Pyramid of Arts had created an installation all to do with Time, involving a clock face with numbers made from bread on a giant hand surrounded by small pots of earth planted with grass and bean seeds. 'Dali-esque' doesn't do it justice. Claire spent Friday baking substitute bread numbers which were covered in bird seed, rather than glitter, to be attached to the clock later. The idea is that as the plants grow, the numbers decay and in September the whole piece will be set free in the Aire and Calder canal.


  1. Apple champagne, sounds lovely! Makes me wish I had a bottle of something fizzy in the fridge right now. And... is that a Dalek sitting behind you in your profile photo?

  2. Hello Li - Well spotted. Claire (my wife) knitted the Dalek for a birthday present. I have a mild Doctor Who obsession, and she made me a Dalek Hot Water Bottle Cover for Christmas 18 months ago, which is just as good. The two striped lines in the background are a knitted representation of Chromosome Three (I think). She is a woman of many talents.

  3. Ben! Not only do you have Apple Champagne but (via Li's comment) I now realise that yr Dalek is knitted. I am consumed with jealousy, to practically green Hulk hues! All I get that's knitted is balaclavers, grocer's gloves, scarves and left over scrap of wool jumpers.

    When I jump orf the bridge, you'll hear my final words: 'All for a knitted Dalek!'
