Thursday 26 July 2012

Christmas Tutti Fruti - 7th bottle (B1), 22nd July 2012

Generally Richard prefers his wines white, but as I had not had the foresight to put any in the fridge, he got Christmas Tutti Fruti instead. We spent a pleasant evening at Richard and Linda's eating lots of fine food. For once, I came away without clutching my stomach and groaning that I ate too much. It was a close run thing, though.

We had a starter of mushrooms and prawns in cream sauce, followed by cannelloni stuffed with goats cheese and spinach in a tomato sauce and a green salad, and finished off with a warm cherry and cinnamon cake garnished with ice-cream. Really rather delicious - as was the wine, which from a high base level manages to improve with age. It is a shame, therefore, that I was driving and only had one glass.


  1. Am so jealous, Ben. Am mostly eating noodles followed by Bourbon biscuits for afters. Something has gone wrong somewhere...

    oh, p.s. if you go here you'll see the book I've self pubbed (after my agent passed on it). Rather nice picture of one of my foster dogs as a cover!

  2. Hello Carol - what you need to do is find some vegetarian friends who love cooking, and then you will be sorted for the food. I have just checked Amazon (though in my father's name) and 'liked' your book. I don't have a kindle, though. Can I buy it and down load it onto my computer without? I will try that when I get back home.
