Saturday 16 June 2012

Sloe Wine - Fifth Bottle (1), 8th-9th June 2012

It is always good news when we get to Friday evening and the fridge is empty of vegetables that Need Using Up. This will result in a bring-round curry, which is rare enough to qualify as a treat. And in ordering two main dishes (Lamb Karahi and Paneer something) and a side (Tarka Dall) with two garlic naans, we ensured sufficient quantities for Saturday night too. The sloe wine was supplemented with dandelion on Friday and the first-glass-while-bottling of Elderberry 2011 on Saturday.

This bottle was inexplicably better than the last and I wonder if this is because I had no audience. It is a dry, interesting taste, and of course a fabulous colour. I may make it again.


  1. glad to hear that your sloe wine is good - we have some in the making but last tasting it was on the rough side!

  2. Hello Nikki - Sloe has been very Hit and Miss with me, with a greater emphasis on the Miss. I think it is one of those wines that needs leaving for quite some time. Generally our sloes end up in the gin.

    I have just had a look at your blog, and I love the chicken pictures and descriptions. I shall try pressing the correct buttons that result in a 'follow', but am a bit inept. I see you are in this area too. I hope you haven't been flooded over the last couple of days.

