Sunday 24 June 2012

Elderberry Wine - 13th Bottle (C1), 19th-22nd June 2012

It has been a busy week, both at work and home. Consequently Claire drank most of this bottle and I should hand over my pen to her. At work I have had Darren's daughter with me for work experience, so rather doing dull Property Law tasks we have been to a murder trial and to West Yorkshire Archives. At home, I have been out every night - including two different Wind Quintets and beers for Julia's sixtieth birthday. This has all left Claire at home with a bottle of elderberry wine to get through. I had a glass on Wednesday after WYSO (where Claire and I both came away feeling like we played badly) and half a glass on Friday as fortitude in preparation for the monthly Sainsbury's shop. This wine has now matured properly and has a deep, earthy taste.

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