Sunday 13 May 2012

Strawberry Wine - Bottle 4, 6th May 2012

Strawberry wine always seems to coincide with a good day. This bottle has been no exception. I spent this morning picking rhubarb in the sunshine, this afternoon playing bassoon quartets at a wedding in York, and this evening making wine, eating a fabulous chicken chilli and watching Life on Mars. Of all activities, it was the bassoon quartets that was best. I wore my frog waistcoat and lucky musical socks, and we played brilliantly, if one ignores the two clunking B naturals that I threw in by mistake. This evening I have had various bits of the repertoire dancing around in my head. Currently it is Mozart's Turkish Rondo, but before that it was The Teddy Bears' Picnic, interspersed with a sultry tango. Yes, four bassoons can do 'sultry'.

The strawberry wine went perfectly with today's mood, and though this is 2010's final bottle, I bottled 2011's vintage this evening.

NB - Apologies for going on quite so much about the bassoon quartets over the last three postings! This will be their last mention (as it all happened now over a week ago). The other NB is an article that appeared in the York Evening Press on Saturday this week about my Book. You can read it here.

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