Friday 18 May 2012

Gooseberry Wine - Bottle 5, 13th May 2012

Richard and Linda came round for a meal last night, so I bunged a bottle of gooseberry wine in the fridge. This is a month earlier than I had been planning to start this vintage, but we wanted something sharp, fresh and white to drink with the (mostly) fish based food.

Our starter was squares of salmon topped with wilted chard and pickled plums. This was followed by home made ravioli crescents filled with prawns, garlic and herbs in a tomato sauce. Third course was cheese made by Claire (using a Home Farmer recipe, I think) garnished with chives on sour dough bread (which required a good deal of sawing). Just in case this was not enough, we had Almost Bakewell Pudding for the final course, where the jam used was crab apple and rosemary. Quite a feast, and the wine held its own. It is better than Gooseberry 2010, which itself was okay, and secures gooseberry's status as a Regular Flavour.

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