Friday 6 April 2012

Orange Wine - Bottle A1, 3rd-5th April 2012

This batch of orange wine is sweeter than usual, and I cannot decide whether that is a good or a bad thing. On the whole, I like my wines dry, but the additional sugar reduces the orange peel bitterness which is sometimes a problem with this flavour. I suspect I shall be having this internal debate for the remaining ten bottles. Most of these, like this one, will be a mid-week bottle rationed over the evenings. Claire benefitted from this process: she had the last glass whilst I was at a WYSO committee meeting on Thursday, so I had some whisky instead. But the WYSO programme for next year sounds good - with individual concerts dedicated to the Classical era, to Bohemian Romanticism and to English music. Lots to get our teeth stuck into - like the biscuits Jude provided at the meeting. I had four.

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