Friday 13 April 2012

Hawthorn Blossom Wine - Bottle 1, 11th April 2012

Today we celebrate Cornelia Gruntfuttock's birthday. Cornelia is Claire's alter-ego on Facebook, and her chosen birthday is 11th April. This is as good a reason as any to have a whole bottle of wine on a work-night. Actually, Claire has taken this week as holiday, so only I have to trundle into work tomorrow.

We drank most of the bottle enjoying each other's company on a rare night in together, eating aubergines stuffed with bulghar wheat, feta and pistachios, and discussing last night's performance of Love's Labour's Lost at the West Yorkshire Playhouse (which was truly excellent). I then ruined the bonhomie by racking my celery wine and presenting Claire with a first sip. She thinks it my Worst Ever, which makes this Hawthorn - which she described earlier as 'Drinkable cleaning fluid' - stunningly good in comparison.

In fact, the Hawthorn is okay. Floral and herby. But this last bottle will probably be the last ever.

1 comment:

  1. I so love your life, Ben. You eat such lovely sounding grub, it's like Nigel Slater lives in yr house! And then you're always doing such cool stuff like going REAL theatre and music. And then, just when I'm about to chuck a frozen lasagne at Man Friday's head, I read about yr Celery wine - and he's saved!!! Heh heh heh! p.s. I think Cornelia Gruntfuttock is a cousin of my dear uncle Farquar Gallanders - perhaps they could befriend each other???????
