Monday 9 April 2012

Elderberry Wine - Bottle A5, 9th April 2012

It has been an odd sort of day, but I find that Bank Holiday Mondays often are. To be somewhat pretentious, they are liminal days. Not a weekend, nor a holiday. A day for moping around the house and ennui. I spent some of it in the garden, helping move a cotoneaster from the old raised bed in the back to the wall at the front. Mostly this involved digging and general shifting of earth at Claire's direction, which, in truth, is my favourite gardening task. Otherwise I have spent the day on the computer or reading.

We drank the elderberry wine with our evening meal, which started with home-made pork pies and potato salad, left over from yesterday's lunch. Next it was eggs baked in spinach, yoghurt and parmesan with buttered toast made from stout-bread, which was delicious. This was all followed by, I think, my favourite David Tennant Doctor Who episode - The Family of Blood - during which I finished my wine, and I am now on the Bush Tea. I am currently debating whether to dive into the rhubarb fool. Maybe I should consult Claire.


  1. Hi Ben,
    I haven't made any wine for a while but am thinking about making some dandelion wine as they're popping up all over the place in my garden. When's the best time to pick them and have you got any 'top tips'?

  2. Hello Sensory Dragon. Pick dandelions whenever they are abundant, and preferably when the sun is shining. Take a measuring jug with you as you pick - that way you know how many you have. My earliest recipe on this blog was dandelion wine, and you can find it here:

    I find dandelion is a bit hit or miss, but I think last year's batch will be one of my better ones. I have yet to taste it though. Watch this space ...

  3. Will do - thanks! By the way, all the dandelions in my garden seem to have gone over....maybe I've missed the boat this year.

  4. Ben! Can't believe you used the word 'liminal' - I haven't seen/heard it used in donkeys!! Such a fab word, will start to use it myself!! Yet again, the sound of your dinner menu made me heart sore, as I chewed dejectedly on my cheese string...
    Oh, and when you said: 'I am currently debating whether to dive into the rhubarb fool,' if you had put a comma twixt rhubarb and fool, you would have sounded like Mr. T. !! (As you might've gathered, I read it as a Mr. T-ism!!
