Tuesday 17 April 2012

Blogging - One Year On

This blog entry is more than a little self-referential, for which I apologise. However, I am about to disappear for a whole week without any new entries at all (though I think there will be two bottles posted before I do - the Redcurrant is currently in the fridge chilling). And my disappearance will coincide with having been keeping this blog for a year. 22nd April 2012 will be my blogaversary (sorry). In that time I have:

Posted 182 posts (if you don't count this), of which:
20 have been 'how to make wine'
2 have been 'random jobs involving wine'
3 (I think) have been nothing to do with drinking or making wine, which means ...
157 have been bottles of wine that I have drunk. Oh dear; but they have all been shared.

Had 8,540 hits counted by Blogger, of which:
283 were on 'Rose Petal Wine - the Making Of ...'
213 were on 'Quince Wine - the Making Of ...'
many, many were spam hits from Russia with website names like spandexpants.com or freemed.ru
an inconsequential few were me

28 Listed Followers, but:
there are 3 regular people whose ISP is in Leeds and I haven't identified who they are
there is a semi-regular follower whose ISP is in Ile-de-France, Paris
there is someone just listed as being in 'Europe' whose ISP is Oracle Svenska ab
I have one visit from 'Home Land Security' in Springfield Illinois (but have yet to receive my extradition papers)
there are several people who check in regularly who I correspond with from time to time

You all know who you are (even if I don't), and I am delighted that you take the time to visit. Thank you to the regulars and the one-offs for showing an interest in my hobby and (rather ordinary) life. This blog is dedicated to all of you.


  1. Thanks for the dedication and looking forward to reading many more blogs Ben.

    Did you try the Real Ale in Salt Lake City? I believe it's very popular over there?

  2. Claire was at Salt Lake City by herself at a conference, and the only time I have been was to change planes on my way to South Dakota. But I have - finally - had a bottle of the beer I made. And it was quite nice. But no more exciting than that. I still have three left. I shall take one to Derbyshire with me.
