Tuesday 6 March 2012

Orange Wine - Bottle B1, 3rd March 2012

On my first sip I thought that this was the best orange wine I have made. There is no hint of bitterness and it has an open, floral taste. Half a bottle later (Claire having had the remainder) I now wonder if it is just a tad too sweet. Still, it is an excellent bottle: distinctly orange in flavour but without any taste of industrial cleaner. The test will be feeding it to Richard.

It has been a lovely evening - which itself has followed a lovely day. The day involved pottering around and making both soup and scones - neither of which I have done before and both of which proved fabulous (if I do say so myself). Then it was Music Club, where Pat, Peter and I played Piazolla trios which went Very Well Indeed. And then this evening Claire and I took the opportunity simply to chat and eat scones. Would it be too corny to label it a night of Wine, Woman and Scone? (But this only works if you pronounce the last word to rhyme with 'gone' or 'shone' - which is, of course, the correct way.)

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