Monday 19 March 2012

Hedgerow Wine - Bottle 4, 15th-17th March 2012

Wednesday was the WYSO AGM (and that is far too many acronyms in the space of a sentence). Which is irrelevant to this bottle, because I realise we didn't open it until Thursday. I drank that evening's share to sausages and mash, followed by a long hot bath.

Ordinarily we would have finished the bottle on Friday, but I was too sleepy for even a glass after returning from the Wakefield G & S (there - another acronym) Society production of H M S Pinafore, which was all rather jolly in an am-dram kind of way. Buttercup and Captain Corcoran were both good, and the other leads were variable.

Coming back through Wakefield on a Friday night was eye opening. I'm sure dresses never used to be quite that short.


  1. Did you ever get around to trying the bitter that you brewed Ben?

    I really miss northern English bitter and northern films. Once went to see the Mikado by Gilbert and Sullivan (No!). They must have had a brilliant sense of humour?

  2. I haven't yet tried the bitter - that will be a treat for Easter and I will let you know how I get on. I also haven't seen the Mikado, but have seen the Mike Leigh film 'Topsy Turvey', which is about the creation of the Mikado, and is well worth checking out.

  3. I will try and get hold of a copy of 'Topsy Turvey' Ben. I want to see 'Another Year'- Mike Leigh again. Anything starring Jim Broadbent is well worth watching! There's even an allotment featured in the film!

    My favourite Jim Broadbent picture is: 'Little Voice'. It was filmed in Scarborough and Jim , Brenda, Ewan and name dropper)Jane Horrocks should have got Oscar's. Long live English films. Especially northern one's!

  4. I also really enjoyed Little Voice - I don't think Michael Caine has ever been better. My favourite Mike Leigh films have been 'Naked' and 'Secrets and Lies'. Both brilliant in very different ways. I don't think Jim Broadbent is in either, though he is in 'Life is Sweet', which another good one. And he plays Gilbert in 'Topsy Turvey'.
