Thursday 23 February 2012

Crab Apple Wine - Bottle A3, 19th February 2012

For reasons that seemed logical at the time, Claire declared that British Summer Time had begun today. Consequently this bottle was opened at what otherwise would have been a quarter past five. I had half a glass and Claire had a whole one. It was all because we ate ridiculously early in preparation for Bradford Music Club - which began at 7 p.m. Madeleine, David and I played the Beethoven Trio again. This time I did not get lost, but I came away disappointed. There was nothing specifically wrong with the performance, but it felt leaden. I missed my very first note, which musically did not matter but it altered my whole attitude. Immediately my mouth dried and I spent the entire time just playing notes trying to get to the end, without concentrating on the music. So, a frustrating experience. And it required a decent quantity of crab apple wine in a short space of time to make things better. Hey ho.

Oh, entirely unrelated to this wine, and because I am a show off ("No, really?" I hear you cry), click this link here for a lovely review of my book. I understand it is available on Amazon.


  1. Indeed it is a great review Ben. I read your book and really enjoyed it, especially the great anecdotes.

    How do us 'authors' get our books reviewed in the posh Sunday newspapers? I think they only like authors who have been to Oxford or published by somebody who went there?

    Didn't you say one that there use to be Vineyards in Northumberland Ben?

  2. I suspect that getting reviewed in the Sundays requires either a pushy publisher or a pushy agent and neither of us have either. I don't actually think it has anything to do with Oxbridge connections - though any connection would not hurt.

    There did, indeed, used to be vinyards in Northumberland - in the thirteenth century, before the mini-Ice Age struck.

    I'm still waiting for our Good Life Press blogs to come back on-line. It is frustrating that this other blog doesn't work, because I used that for 'whatever I happen to be thinking about' postings rather than 'what I did today when I drank this bottle of wine' positing.

  3. There are millions of books on Amazon and I wonder how many books are never even viewed. Saying that. I seem to choose most of my new books browsing Amazon. There should be more shop windows for writers.

    I am not particularly interested in wine Ben, but I find your 'refreshing' (sorry for that pun!) anecdotes and blog posts and light-hearted approach (you don't rant like me) very entertaining and informative. Are you working on any other books Ben?
