Friday 6 January 2012

Gooseberry - Bottle B6, 5th January 2012

I don't think I have ever finished a double batch of gooseberry by the start of January before. I blame Claire, who is a bad influence. And now we must wait until June for the next bottle. Oh woe.

It was a mistake to drink this whole bottle on a Thursday  - some of us have work tomorrow. But I am three days into the new job, and so far, so good. I am going to have to define my own role, which means there are all sorts of possibilities. This week has been all about finding my feet: so, getting to grips with the computer, the photocopier, the kettle. I like my new colleagues very much, though I am only one of seven. This is the smallest group I have worked with since my time operating an envelope stuffing machine in Arizona in 1989.

Anyway, this bottle of gooseberry was much better than the last and reminds me why I make it every year.

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